questionable services

Technical writings about computing infrastructure, HTTP & security.

(by Matt Silverlock)

Updating Kubernetes Deployments on a ConfigMap Change


Update (June 2019): kubectl v1.15 now provides a rollout restart sub-command that allows you to restart Pods in a Deployment - taking into account your surge/unavailability config - and thus have them pick up changes to a referenced ConfigMap, Secret or similar. It’s worth noting that you can use this with clusters older than v1.15, as it’s implemented in the client.

Example usage: kubectl rollout restart deploy/admission-control to restart a specific deployment. Easy as that!

One initially non-obvious thing to me about Kubernetes was that changing a ConfigMap (a set of configuration values) is not detected as a change to Deployments (how a Pod, or set of Pods, should be deployed onto the cluster) or Pods that reference that configuration. That expectation can result in unintentionally stale configuration persisting until a change to the Pod spec. This could include freshly created Pods due to an autoscaling event, or even restarts after a crash, resulting in misconfiguration and unexpected behaviour across the cluster.

Note: This doesn’t impact ConfigMaps mounted as volumes, which are periodically synced by the kubelet running on each node.

Updating the ConfigMap and running kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml results in a no-op, which makes sense if you consider the impacts of an unintended config change and rollout in a larger deployment.

But, there are certainly cases where we want to:

So how can we accomplish that? It turns it out to be fairly straightforward, but let’s step through an example.


Our ConfigMap, applied to our Kubernetes cluster:

➜  less demo-config.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: demo-config
  namespace: default
  NAME: "elithrar"
➜  kubectl apply -f demo-config.yaml
configmap/demo-config created

And here’s our Deployment before we’ve referenced this version of our ConfigMap - notice the spec.template.metadata.annotations.configHash key we’ve added. It’s important to note that modifying a top-level Deployment’s metadata.annotations value is not sufficient: a Deployment will only re-create our Pods when the underlying template.spec (Pod spec) changes.

This is how we’ll couple the Deployment with our ConfigMap, triggering a change in our Deployment only when our ConfigMap actually changes.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: demo-deployment
    app: config-demo-app
  replicas: 3
      app: config-demo-app
        app: config-demo-app
      # The field we'll use to couple our ConfigMap and Deployment
      configHash: ""
      - name: config-demo-app
        - containerPort: 80
        # The ConfigMap we want to use
        - configMapRef:
            name: demo-config
        # Extra-curricular: We can make the hash of our ConfigMap available at a
        # (e.g.) debug endpoint via a fieldRef
          - name: CONFIG_HASH
                fieldPath: spec.template.metadata.annotations.configHash

With these two pieces in mind, let’s create a SHA-256 hash of our ConfigMap. Because this hash is deterministic (the same input == same output), the hash only changes when we change our configuration: making this a step we can unconditionally run as part of our deployment (CI/CD) pipeline into our Kubernetes cluster.

Note that I’m using yq (a CLI tool for YAML docs, like jq is to JSON) to modify our Deployment YAML at a specific path.

➜  yq w demo-deployment.yaml spec.template.metadata.annotations.configHash \
>  $(kubectl get cm/demo-config -oyaml | sha256sum)
        configHash: 4431f6d28fdf60c8140d28c42cde331a76269ac7a0e6af01d0de0fa8392c1145

We can now re-deploy our Deployment, and because our spec.template changed, Kubernetes will detect it as a change and re-create our Pods.

As a bonus, if we want to make a shortcut for this during development/local iteration, we can wrap this flow in a useful shell function:

# Invoke as hash-deploy-config deployment.yaml configHash myConfigMap
hash-deploy-config() {
  yq w $1 spec.template.metadata.annotations.$2 \
  $(kubectl get cm/$3 -oyaml | sha256sum)

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